At Vijaya Hospital, Madinaguda 081818 17268 Opposite Rajender Reddy Nagar Colony, Ameenpur
The ability to see near objects more clearly than far objects.
More commonly than not , kids more than adults complain of decreased or blurring of letters or images in the class room screen or board. They will be able to read better holding books in hand.
Also called as: Short sight, Near sightedness.
There is a huge increase in the number of myopia cases in the past decade. Myopia is more prevalent in Indians. An estimated 50% of the world population could be suffering from Myopia by the middle of this century.
Understanding Myopia: Eye works like a convex lens focussing the light from an object onto a point on the retina of the eye to form an image. This image is then transmitted to the brain. The Cornea and Lens are the parts responsible for focussing the image.
Causes Of Myopia can be any change in the parts of the eye causing the image formation, like curvature of cornea, structure or position of the lens or an overall length of the eyeball. A genetic causality is seen where kids of parents with myopia develop the disorder more often, but many people can develop without a genetic cause also.
Myopia is measured in Diopters and is classified as LOW, MEDIUM And HIGH depending on the number of diopters of power needed to correct the vision.
Eye strain, Squinting, Headache, frequent infections to the eyes and eyelids, half shutting of eyes to focus while seeing, and complaining of blurred distant vision. Many a times, Myopia is missed in Children, causing partial or complete loss of vision (Amblyopia).
A visit to the eye doctor (Ophthalmologist) , where tested for vision can help in the diagnosis of Myopia. A regular eye check up at least once a year, especially in children can help in the early diagnosis and preventing complications of Myopia. Various types of diagnostic procedures are used to detect Myopia depending on the age and intellectual level of the patient.
Most common and widely used, safe and popular means of vision correction where an appropriate Diopter lens is used for clear vision in patients.
Alternative to eyeglasses, these lens can be placed on the cornea personally , but should be maintained in a hygienic way to prevent any infections of the eye.
These are the various surgical procedures used to permanently treat myopia in adults after there is no frequent change in the power of their glasses.
Partial or permanent loss of vision due to delayed diagnosis of Myopia, Retinal detachment, Glaucoma and Cataracts are some complications of Myopia.
There is no proven mechanism for prevention of Myopia. Using of alternative medicines, Vitamins or Eye exercises are not proven to prevent Myopia.
There are certain mechanisms to slow down the progression of Myopia in higher powers with varying results in different patients.
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